Eggs, simply amazing!
Eggs have been given a mixed reputation over the years. And although those in the know now realise how unfair the bad rep they got was, a large proportion of people still think that egg consumption needs to be kept minimal. This is not only wrong but the complete opposite of the truth. Eating a decent amount of eggs comes with so many big health and fitness benefits.
Here I will briefly first explain why they were originally demonised and then go on to 10 key reasons you should include them into your diet.
Why eggs were unfairly demonised-
For a brief amount of time it felt that the entire health world was against dietary fat. Some said that because dietary fat lead to body fat (which it doesn’t but it does sound right to be fair) and others claimed that consuming high levels of saturated fat lead to heart disease (which again it doesn’t). Cholesterol was under a particular amount of criticism which has had long lasting effects. The theory was that consuming dietary cholesterol lead to cholesterol being deposited in the arteries causing them to be blocked. The heart then had to work too hard and would lead to heart disease. Again, this sounds like it makes a lot of sense and should be true but it has since been disproven. The issue came that the government rolled out these theories before sufficient evidence had been collected. The highly processed “foods” (foods in quotation marks because they are barely foods) that the general population were encouraged to eat instead of the real foods ended up causing multiple national health crisis’ that we still suffer from today. I am in danger of going off on one here so I will keep it short and say this esentially all came about because of money (surprise, surprise!) and the money is why we still cannot ditch all these so called “foods” today. Although this is definitely going to have to be a separate blog because this is meant to be about eggs!
Anyway, to get back on track, eggs contain a large amount of fat, especially cholesterol, which were seen as bad by a mixture of bad science, terrible governing and a lot money. Therefore, the general population became scared to eat too many eggs. Now onto the positive part before you start to think all I do is moan, heres 10 top reasons why you should be eating eggs:
10 Top Reasons You Should Be Eating Eggs-
Reason 1- Complete Protein Source
Eggs are one of, if not the, best sources of protein. They are a complete protein source meaning that they contain all 9 of the essential amino acids (EAA’s). When protein is broken down it becomes amino acids. 9 of these are crucial to us being able to stay alive, eggs contain all of these!
Reason 2- Cholesterol
Eggs contain good amounts of .cholesterol. Cholesterol is crucial for many good bodily functions. The main one I want to focus on is the production of sex hormones, in particular testosterone. It is no secret that having higher levels of testosterone will improve most mens lives in many ways (this will be in a separate blog post). Cholesterol is needed for the production of testosterone so having more of it available will make it easier for your body to produce the testosterone that will improve your life!
Reason 3- Steady Energy
Eggs are a great way of providing steady energy to the body. Due to the good amount of fat they contain they are relatively slow to digest. This prevents them from spiking blood sugar, causing a spike in insulin, which then leads to a dip in energy once that blood sugar is processed.
Reason 4- Versatility
Eggs are very versatile, there is just so many ways you can enjoy them! You can keep it super simple and just crack them in a pan and push them around until they are cooked or you can get fancy and learn to poach them. You can combine them with other foods to make interesting meals such as my egg base pizza, a omelette or even a frittata. The point is you can have your eggs in so many different ways that they will never seem boring.
Reason 5- Nutrient Density
Eggs have one of the lowest energy density to nutrition ratios. Essentially meaning you get a lot of nutrients in for a minimal amount of calories. This is super useful if you are loosing weight as it means you can still get a lot of good, high quality, nutrients in whilst keeping your calories low enough to lose the weight you desire.